Exactly What To Say (Summary And Review)

Business Psychology Sales

What’s in it? Quick Summary

“Exactly What to Say” by Phil M. Jones is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of how to use the right words to persuade customers and increase their sales.

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Exactly What To Say Detailed Summary

Have you ever been at a loss for words during a crucial moment? Or wished you had the perfect phrase to influence and persuade? Well, this book is your ultimate guide! Phil M Jones shares the magic words and key phrases that can turn any conversation in your favor.

In this book summary, I’ll be sharing the key lessons from “Exactly What to Say” that you can start using right away.

Whether you’re in sales, customer service, or just want to improve your everyday interactions, these insights will help you communicate more effectively and confidently.

Alrighty, so without further ado, let’s get started.

Lesson #1: Nobody wants to be perceived as closed-minded.

No one wants to be seen as closed-minded. If you ask someone if they are open-minded, they will almost always say yes. This is because being open-minded is a trait that is universally valued and appreciated.

You can leverage this in sales by framing your propositions in a way that appeals to your prospect’s desire to be seen as open-minded. For example, you might say, “Would you be open-minded enough to try this new thing?” This subtle phrasing makes it hard for them to say no without contradicting their self-image.

Why is this approach effective? Because people don’t want to appear rigid or resistant to new ideas, especially when open-mindedness is often associated with intelligence and flexibility.

By positioning your product or idea as something worth trying for the open-minded, you increase the likelihood of a positive response.

This tactic is particularly useful when introducing a new or unconventional product. It can help overcome initial resistance and make the prospect more receptive to learning about what you have to offer. Once they agree to consider it, you can then provide more detailed information and address any concerns they might have.

However, it’s essential to use this technique ethically. The goal is not to manipulate but to genuinely encourage open-mindedness and exploration. Always ensure that what you’re offering aligns with the prospect’s needs and can genuinely benefit them.

By appealing to their desire to be seen as open-minded, you create a more favorable environment for dialogue and increase your chances of success. This approach not only helps in closing sales but also fosters a positive relationship where the prospect feels respected and valued.

Lesson #2: Use stories to paint a beautiful picture of a better future in the prospect’s mind.

Salespeople often fail because they focus too much on tactics and not enough on vision. To truly persuade, you need to help your prospects envision a better future with your product. This is where storytelling becomes an invaluable tool.

Humans are naturally drawn to stories. They help us make sense of the world and imagine possibilities. When you tell a compelling story, you engage your prospect’s imagination and emotions, making your message more memorable and impactful.

For example, instead of just listing the features of your product, you might say, “Imagine yourself reaching the top of your field with the help of this tool.” Or, “Just imagine where you’ll be in ten years if you start using this product today.” These phrases help the prospect see the long-term benefits and create a vivid picture of success.

Why does storytelling work so well? It taps into our brain’s innate preference for narratives over facts. Think about the most effective advertisements—they all tell a story that resonates with their audience, making the message stick.

When crafting your story, focus on the transformation your product offers. Highlight the journey from problem to solution, and show how your product is the catalyst for positive change. Use real-life testimonials and success stories to add credibility and relatability.

Your story doesn’t have to be elaborate. Even simple, relatable scenarios can be powerful if they connect with your prospect’s desires and challenges. The key is to make them see themselves as the protagonist in the story, achieving their goals with your product.

By using storytelling effectively, you can turn abstract benefits into concrete, emotionally resonant visions of the future. This approach not only makes your pitch more engaging but also helps prospects remember and value what you’re offering long after the conversation ends.

Lesson #3: Influence Choices by Limiting Options

We live in a world overflowing with choices. At any given time, we have so many options that eliminating a few often goes unnoticed.

Savvy marketers and sales professionals understand this and use it to their advantage by guiding prospects towards specific options.

One effective technique is to present only the most popular or favorable choices. For instance, you might say, “You have three best options to choose from. Which one do you like?”

This narrows the focus and simplifies the decision-making process for the prospect.

Another example is the classic, “Buy two, get one free,” which not only entices the prospect with a deal but also encourages them to purchase more than they might have initially intended.

Why does this work? Because when people are faced with too many choices, they often experience decision paralysis. This overwhelming feeling can lead to postponing decisions or opting out altogether.

By presenting fewer options, you reduce this cognitive load and make it easier for them to decide.

Moreover, limiting choices can also create a perception of exclusivity and value. When prospects believe they are choosing from a curated selection of the best options, they feel more confident in their decision. This can enhance their satisfaction and likelihood of purchase.

Here’s a practical example: Imagine you’re selling a software subscription. Instead of presenting a dozen different plans, you highlight three: Basic, Standard, and Premium. Each plan is tailored to different needs, making it easier for prospects to identify which one suits them best.

You might say, “Most of our customers prefer the Standard plan because it offers the best balance of features and cost.” This not only guides them towards a popular choice but also reassures them that others have made the same decision.

Additionally, you can use the power of suggestion to influence their choice. Phrases like, “Our most successful clients typically choose this option,” can nudge prospects towards the desired decision by leveraging social proof.

It’s also helpful to use smart phrases that subtly guide prospects. For example, “This option is perfect if you’re looking for value and performance,” or, “Most people find this deal hard to resist.” These phrases make the decision feel more straightforward and appealing.

By skillfully limiting options and guiding your prospects with well-chosen phrases, you can help them make decisions that they’ll feel good about. This not only increases your chances of closing a sale but also builds trust and appreciation for making their decision-making process simpler and more enjoyable.

Lesson #4: Counter the Time and Money Excuses

Many salespeople face the challenge of prospects delaying their buying decision with excuses like, “I don’t have time,” or “I need to discuss it with my spouse.” These objections often signify hesitation and can be tricky to overcome.

To tackle the “lack of time” excuse, respond with questions that imply future availability: “When would be a good time to discuss this further?” or “Can we schedule a follow-up call next week?” This not only acknowledges their concern but also keeps the conversation open and demonstrates your willingness to accommodate their schedule.

For the “money” objection, you can offer incentives or address the value proposition more compellingly. For example, “If I could offer you a special discount, would you consider moving forward today?” This approach can turn a cost concern into a perceived opportunity for savings.

It’s also helpful to address these objections proactively by highlighting the cost of inaction. Explain how your product can save them time or money in the long run: “By investing in this solution now, you’ll actually save hours of work and reduce future expenses.”

When prospects give vague excuses like needing to discuss with their spouse, suggest setting up a joint meeting: “I understand this is an important decision. Would it help if we all discussed it together?” This shows respect for their process and demonstrates your commitment to transparency and thorough communication.

In cases where a decision is postponed, follow up consistently but respectfully. Use phrases like, “I wanted to check in and see if you had any more questions after our last conversation.” This keeps you top of mind without being overly pushy.

By skillfully addressing these common objections with empathy and solutions, you increase the likelihood of moving the sale forward. It shows that you understand their concerns and are willing to work with them to find the best possible outcome, enhancing both trust and rapport.

Lesson #5: People are more likely to choose the most appealing side.

Everyone wants to be seen in a positive light. When given a choice, most people will choose the option that portrays them in the best possible way. This is a fundamental aspect of human behavior that savvy salespeople can leverage.

For instance, if you ask, “There are two types of people: those who waste time and those who value learning. Which one are you?” Almost everyone will choose the latter because they want to be seen as responsible and proactive.

Understanding this can be a powerful tool in sales. You can frame choices in a way that aligns with this desire. For example, “Most of our customers who are serious about their personal development choose this option.” This statement suggests that the best choice is the one that most people with desirable qualities (in this case, seriousness about personal development) are making.

Another example might be, “Do you prefer to invest in quality products, or are you okay with settling for less?” Here, you’re subtly pushing the prospect towards choosing the high-quality option without directly telling them what to do.

Moreover, you can use social proof to your advantage. Mention how popular your product is among similar customers: “Our best-selling product has been a favorite among people who value innovation and efficiency.” This approach leverages the herd mentality, where people feel more comfortable making a choice that others have also made.

It’s important to note that while framing choices in this way can be effective, it should be done ethically. Always ensure that the options you present genuinely meet the prospect’s needs and that you’re not manipulating them into making a poor decision.

By understanding and utilizing the desire to be seen positively, you can guide your prospects towards making choices that benefit both them and your business. This not only increases sales but also helps in building long-term customer relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Lesson #6: If you can make the other person that he is just like you, he is more likely to agree with your other ideas.

Familiarity breeds trust. Just think about the people you trust the most—usually, they are those who are close to you, like your family, friends, or long-term colleagues. This principle is crucial in sales as well. Often, salespeople try to sell without building trust, and unsurprisingly, they fail to connect with their prospects.

People prefer to buy from those they trust. Without establishing trust, it’s very difficult to close a sale, unless your offer is exceptionally compelling. So, how do you build trust quickly, especially when you’ve just met your prospect?

A powerful way to build trust is by showing how you and your prospect are alike. Highlight shared experiences, interests, or values. This creates a sense of familiarity and connection. For example, you can say, “I bet you’re a bit like me if you love playing football and playing guitar on weekends.” Or, “If you’re like me, you also don’t want to pay extra for an upgrade.”

By identifying common ground, you make it easier for your prospect to relate to you and trust what you say. This connection can transform a cold interaction into a warm conversation between friends.

Additionally, leverage the power of empathy. Show genuine interest in their challenges and aspirations. Ask open-ended questions to understand their needs better and listen actively to their responses. This demonstrates that you care about their success and are not just there to make a sale.

For example, you might say, “I understand how frustrating it can be to find a product that truly meets your needs. I’ve been there myself. Let’s find the best solution for you.” This approach not only builds rapport but also positions you as a trusted advisor who is genuinely invested in helping them.

Another technique is to use social proof. Share stories of other customers who were in similar situations and how they benefited from your product. This not only shows that you understand their position but also provides evidence that your product can deliver results.

Have you ever found yourself watching a movie just because all your friends are watching it? This behavior is rooted in what we call “herd mentality.” Before making decisions, we often consider what others are doing. Use this to your advantage by highlighting the popularity of your product. For instance, “Most people are choosing this option because it effectively addresses their needs.”

In summary, building trust is about creating a connection based on shared experiences, empathy, and social proof. By showing your prospects that you are like them and understand their needs, you increase the likelihood that they will trust you and feel confident in their decision to buy from you.

Lesson #7: Share positive news more frequently over negative news.

No one likes to hear negative news. People are naturally drawn to the positive, and it’s a great idea to start a conversation with positive news. By doing this, you’ll create a more uplifting atmosphere and increase your chances of influencing the person.

When you begin with good news, you set a positive tone for the entire interaction. This approach not only grabs attention but also builds rapport and trust. People are more receptive and open when they feel good about the conversation.

For instance, use phrases like:

  • “The good news is…”
  • “I have some exciting news to share with you…”
  • “You’ll be pleased to hear that…”

These phrases can capture more attention, whether your prospect is reading your sales copy, browsing your landing pages, or watching your sales videos. Positive news primes them to be more engaged and interested in what you have to say next.

It’s also crucial to stay authentic and honest when delivering news. If the news is negative, don’t avoid it; instead, provide a solution or plan of action to address the problem. For example, “Although we faced some delays, the good news is we’ve implemented a new process to ensure faster delivery times moving forward.”

Showing that you are willing to take action and are invested in the conversation demonstrates your commitment to their needs and concerns. This builds confidence in your reliability and integrity.

Moreover, sharing positive news frequently creates a pattern of positive reinforcement. Prospects will begin to associate you and your brand with good feelings and successful outcomes. This association can significantly influence their buying decisions and loyalty.

Another strategy is to highlight positive feedback and testimonials from other customers. Sharing stories of other people’s successes with your product can provide social proof and further reinforce the positive impact of your offering.

Remember, positivity is contagious. By focusing more on the positive, you’ll not only influence your prospects more effectively but also create a more enjoyable and productive environment for everyone involved. Use positivity to your advantage, and watch how it transforms your interactions and outcomes.

Lesson #8: Prospects don’t want to be sold.

Everyone buys stuff, but nobody likes feeling pressured into a decision. Prospects want to feel in control. Instead of pushing them, influence their emotions and attract them. It’s about guiding them gently towards making a decision they feel good about, rather than forcing them into a choice.

Think about your own experiences. When was the last time you made a purchase because you felt coerced? Probably never. People want to feel like their decisions are their own. So, how do you make them feel in control while still steering them toward a purchase?

Use phrases that give them options and make them feel empowered. For instance:

  • “Would you want an extra pair of this item?”
  • “Would you feel good having more features in this product?”
  • “Do you have more questions? Don’t hesitate to ask.”

These questions make prospects feel involved in the decision-making process. Instead of bombarding them with reasons why they should buy, invite them to think about what they truly want and need.

Another effective strategy is to provide value before making an ask. Share useful information, tips, or insights related to your product. Show how it can solve a problem or improve their life. This approach not only builds trust but also positions you as a helpful advisor rather than a pushy salesperson.

It’s also important to acknowledge and validate their concerns. If a prospect hesitates, instead of pushing harder, address their worries: “I understand that making a decision can be tough. What’s holding you back?” This shows empathy and opens up a dialogue, making them feel heard and respected.

Remember, people buy emotionally and then justify logically. Your goal is to create a positive emotional experience that makes them feel good about buying from you. Highlight benefits that align with their values and desires, and make the buying process enjoyable and stress-free.

By focusing on creating a positive and empowering experience, you’ll find that prospects are more likely to make a purchase and feel satisfied with their decision. This approach not only helps you close more sales but also builds long-term relationships with customers who feel valued and respected.

Lesson #9: Convince your prospects to open both their hearts and wallets.

A good salesperson knows that the key to a successful sale is reaching the heart before the wallet. Most prospects care more about how a product makes them feel than its technical features.

To reach their hearts, you need to understand their needs, desires, and pain points. It’s about connecting on an emotional level and showing genuine empathy. Ask yourself: What problems are they trying to solve? What dreams are they hoping to achieve? By understanding these aspects, you can guide them to the right product that not only meets their needs but also resonates with them emotionally.

For instance, instead of just listing features, paint a vivid picture of how their life will improve with your product. Share stories and testimonials from other customers who have experienced positive changes. Use phrases like, “Imagine how much easier your daily routine will be with this product,” or “Think about the peace of mind you’ll have knowing you made a smart investment.”

Moreover, be attentive and listen actively to your prospects. Show that you care about their opinions and concerns. When prospects feel heard and understood, they are more likely to trust you and value your recommendations.

Remember, this concept requires practice and a genuine interest in helping people. It’s not about manipulating emotions but about building a relationship based on trust and understanding. When you master this approach, you’ll find that closing a sale becomes a natural outcome of a meaningful conversation.

Ultimately, reaching the heart first will lead to more satisfied customers who not only buy from you but also become loyal advocates for your brand. So, take the time to connect emotionally, and you’ll see a significant impact on your sales success and business growth.

Bullet Summary

  • “Exactly What to Say” teaches you the exact phrases to use to influence a customer to buy.
  • Learn how to test open-mindedness so that a customer is more likely to say yes.
  • Use stories to paint a picture of a better future in the customer’s mind.
  • Counter excuses by asking when a good time to discuss further would be.
  • People are more likely to choose the most appealing side.
  • Make the customer feel like you to increase the chance of agreement.
  • Share more positive news than negative news.

Exactly What To Say Review

The book offers plenty of phrases that can help you master selling skills.

But the catch here is: Every situation is different. Every person is different.

So don’t assume that you’ll know exactly what to say in any given situation.

Great sales professionals and marketers often speak from their experience. And most of the time, it’s difficult explicitly why they said a particular thing.

Sometimes, it’s just a hunch, while other times, it’s practice.


  1. Easy to read and jump around.
  2. Gives you simple phrases to apply in your marketing and sales.


  1. One can’t rely on them heavily.
  2. Not all phrases provided in the book will work in every situation. Improvisation is needed.

Who Should Read “Exactly What to Say”?

Marketers, salespeople, and entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level should read this book as it provides valuable insight into the psychology of sales, and offers practical advice for using language to influence customers.

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Now It’s Your Turn

I hope these lessons will definitely help you get more wins as a businessman or sales professional.

The right phrases at the right time can make a huge difference in what others think about us.

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The Brain Behind Wizbuskout.com

I am Shami Manohar, the founder of WizBuskOut. My obsession with non-fiction books has fueled me with the energy to create this website. I read at least one book every week on topics such as business, critical thinking, mindset, psychology, and more.

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