You Are Not So Smart Summary, PDF, And Review
You Are Not So Smart by David McRaney talks about why you are not as smart as you think. And how so many logical fallacies and biases taint your perception of this world.
You Are Not So Smart by David McRaney talks about why you are not as smart as you think. And how so many logical fallacies and biases taint your perception of this world.
Rewire Your Anxious Brain Summary teaches you how to condition your brain to produce less anxiety-ridden thoughts and how to make the most of your lives by avoiding unnecessary stress caused due to fears and anxieties.
Developing The Leader WIthin You by John C. Maxwell teaches you how to develop the qualities of great leaders and contribute in people-development as well as organization and personal development.
In What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Chad Helmstetter, you learn why all external motivation is temporary and how you can use self-talk to make a permanent and significant change.
In The Psychology Of Money by Morgan Housel, you’ll learn how most people are usually wrong about money and how luck and risks are often underestimated while making financial decisions.
The Power Of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer introduces a new way of seeing ‘intention.’ He says that intention is an infinite and eternal source that guides all the creation in this universe. And only by connecting with it one can do wonders.