1-Line Summary: Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma explores powerful lessons that can transform your life and help you achieve greater happiness, success, and fulfillment. From embracing your inner child to finding meaning in your work, these timeless insights will inspire you to live your best life.
Who Will Cry When You Die Summary
In this article or Who Will Cry When You Die book summary, I’ll share 27 incredible lessons to lead you to a more abundant and prosperous life.
Let’s dive right in.
1. Maintain Perspective

Often in life, we lose track of what is important to us.
We focus on things that have little importance.
How big our daily life problems are really?
Focusing on those minor problems gives us a sense that life is pretty hard.
What if you change your perspective and look from a different perspective?
Humans are tiny particles when compared to billions of stars in the universe.
Once we switch the perspective, we realize that what we thought a giant hurdle of our life is actually a little event that doesn’t matter that much when seen from a different point of reference.
According to Robin Sharma, our lives are mere blips on the canvas of eternity.
Try to see it from different angles whenever you face any stressful situation.
Or shift your perspective.
Maintaining your perspective will help you look at problems more wisely and rationally.
2. Journal Your Ideas
Many people love writing diaries.
Diaries are the recollection of our memories.
When you look at your diary, you see the movie of your past life.
But along with diary writing, you should also do journaling.
Journaling is a bit different than diary writing.
Journaling includes writing lessons that you learn from every single day of your life.
It also involves writing your reason for being and finding meaning in your daily life.
It has tremendous benefits.
For example, it helps you boost your self-awareness.
By journaling your ideas, you get more connected to your deeper self.
3. Be Honest
There is an adage that honesty is the best policy.
But how many people do you think follow that? A few.
What’s worse, breaking promises has become a habit now. People consider breaking bonds of trust as normal.
Is this a good thing? Hell, no.
You must be honest with the people around you.
Whenever you show dishonesty, you fuel this terrible habit, and due to it, your brain automatically urges you to lie more and more.
Being dishonest also adversely affects how much you keep the promise with yourself.
4. Embrace The Present
Robin advises seeing your days as mini-lives.
We set goals. And we give our best to achieve those goals. We try to control the future. So most of our time is spent chasing distant dreams.
And in that race of accomplishing great things, we forget to respect what’s already in front of us. We don’t feel privileged for all the things we have.
All we have is now.
But still, so many people never reach a stage where they can embrace the present moment. And in the hope of achieving some grandiose distant reality, they take the current reality for granted.
Robin says that we walk this earth for a short time.
Shouldn’t we respect what we have now?
5. Don’t Dwell In The Past
Some people focus on what lies ahead, while some focus on what happened to them in the past.
Dwelling in the past has some severe consequences.
But why do people dwell in the past?
People have setbacks and failures. So when they look back, they feel bad and try to bury their failures as much as possible.
Robin enlightens that if you have more failures than others, then perhaps it’s because you have to serve a higher purpose.
We know happiness only when we know what being unhappy means.
We know victory only when we know what failing feels like.
Instead of worrying and complaining about your past, you should see it as a feedback mechanism.
6. Have A Morning Routine
The way you begin your day determines the way you will live your day.~Robin Sharma
If you had to launch a rocket or missile, would you launch it at an incorrect angle? No.
The same is the case with our day.
We must launch our day with preparation.
Robin suggests that you should have morning rituals to follow.
For example:
You could start your day by drinking warm water, walking in the woods, etc.
The important part is: the more organized your morning is, the more organized your entire day will be.
7. Be Childish
Children come to us more highly evolved than adults to teach us the lessons we need to learn.~Robin Sharma
When we grow old, we start to value less of our playful child within us. We get busy doing business, paying bills, commuting to the office, etc.
Somewhere down the road of life, we lose touch with the child inside us.
Although we grow taller, we start becoming less happy and less energetic.
Robin shares his son’s story of eating the warmest and the center part of the bread while ignoring the outer layer.
This reminded Robin that adults could learn many things from children by observing them.
Robin also realized how his son focused on the core of the bread. And how we can transfer that same concept to our lives by focusing on the things that matter.
8. Practice Self-Talk
We talk to ourselves every day. But we do it unconsciously most of the time.
Talking to ourselves is correlated with our thoughts.
Thoughts have the incredible power to shape our lives, attract prosperity, etc.
Practicing self-talk also makes you more aware of your thoughts.
You don’t need to push yourself and practice deliberate self-talk. You just have to be more conscious of it.
The words you speak to yourself change your mindset.
So you better watch how you speak to yourself because it’ll ultimately reflect in your life.
9. Practice Silence

Practicing silence is as important as practicing self-talk.
The best way to practice silence is to find a place where you can be in solitude and spend some quality time with yourself.
Being in solitude cuts off outside noise and allows you to calm your inner turbulence.
You might say, “I’m too busy. I can’t practice silence.”
But really? Can’t you find time for yourself?
Can’t you stop for a moment to fill gas in your vehicle?
Saying that you don’t have enough time to practice silence on a regular basis is a lot like saying that you are busy driving to stop for gas.~Robin Sharma
10. Go On A News Fast

Many things happen in the world; some are good while some are bad. And this gives birth to the news.
News informs us about the events happening around the world.
It’s good to be aware of what’s happening in the world.
The problem starts when people begin to consume a lot of news, more than they should.
These days, news channels keep bombarding us with negative news. It gives us the impression that nothing positive is happening in the world.
But is this true? Definitely, not.
Again, some events are constructive, while others are destructive.
Most people even start their day by opening a newspaper, which drains the mood and energy of the person reading it because it’s filled with negative news that sells well.
Why do these newspapers highlight negative news more?
It’s because humans, by nature, tend to focus more on tragic events rather than positive and uplifting events.
An earthquake is bound to gather more attention than the discovery of another chemical element.
Here is a tip:
Try to practice news-fast.
This will help you focus more, and you’ll also spend quality time with yourself.
It’s worth noting that avoiding news won’t make you oblivious. You will still be able to get the news circulating through your friends or colleagues.
11. Be Kind To Strangers
Imagine what this world would look like if everyone were kinder to each other.
Great, wouldn’t it?
Everyone is kind to himself, but it’s a whole different matter for strangers.
Most people are only kind to their friends and family members and don’t care about others.
Robin suggests that you don’t need to do great acts to improve the quality of your life.
You can be great every single day of your life by showing compassion towards others.
You can help people you find on the street or help a blind old lady cross the road.
You can live a more fulfilling life by doing these little acts of decency.
12. Take Weekly Holidays
Job is a part of life. It gives you money to survive.
But it isn’t everything.
You should also carve out some quality time for yourself by taking weekly holidays.
That way, you’ll be able to recharge yourself with more energy and be ready for your work after the holidays.
13. Your Body Is A Temple
Our consciousness lives inside our bodies.
That’s why we must respect our bodies by treating them as a temple.
But in reality, we abuse our bodies by not giving them the exercise they need. On top of that, we put in a lot of junk food.
Also, studies have shown that mental and physical health are correlated.
So take care of your body.
Also read:
The Link Between Physical And Mental Health
14. Laugh More
Even though people have almost everything they can imagine, most aren’t happy.
It would be best if you practiced laughing more.
If you become depressed, you can alleviate this by laughing more.
Note: Although laughing is a good practice, it is a short-term strategy.
Read The Happiness Trap Summary to learn more.
15. Take More Risks
Taking more risks opens up new opportunities.
People often avoid taking the roads less traveled.
But the more risks you take in your life, the more unique experiences you gather.
Once you walk the less traveled road and overcome the hurdles along the way, your life’s quality and richness get improved.
Therefore, take more risks. Don’t fear. You never know what’s waiting for you on the other side of the risk.
16. Time Is Money

We all have same allotment of twenty-four hours in a day. What separates the people who create great lives from the also-rans is how they use these hours.~Robin Sharma
Most people think that time is infinite. This is a myth.
It would be best if you considered your time as money.
Would you squander your money if you had a limited amount? Obviously, not.
When you realize that life is short and time is limited, you become cautious about how you spend your life moments.
17. Take Action
Most people slip into the addiction of thinking and never put the efforts to accomplish their goals. Put simply, they keep dreaming and never take any action to realize them.
So don’t just sit and dream all day.
Take action.
18. Enjoy The Process
It’s in the process that you grow and become better.
Some people get so focused on accomplishing goals. But they forget that it’s those hardships that constitute the fun part.
Life isn’t about the reward or the end goal; it’s about the journey that you experience.
19. Rewrite Your Story
Imagine if you had the chance to rewrite the story of your life.
What part of your life would you change?
Sadly, you can’t change the past. What’s done is done.
Fortunately, you can plan and rewrite your life’s story by finding out what needs to be changed in your life.
Grab a pen and write down what’s holding you from living a life you want to live.
How To Start A New Life When Your Current Life Sucks? Learn From These 7 Simple Tips
20. Never Hesitate To Ask For Help
Sometimes, people feel embarrassed and hesitate to ask for help.
It would help if you understood that there are times when you don’t get something unless you ask for it.
21. Find Meaning In Your Work
Whatever you do in your daily life, it must have some meaning.
Because if you don’t find meaning in what you do, it’s meaningless.
Try to find a higher purpose for your work.
Related: Man’s Search for Meaning Summary
22. Watch Uplifting Movies

Instead of watching the news and tv shows all day, you can watch some positive and motivational movies.
For example, you can watch documentaries about great people like Steve Jobs.
23. Have Great Friends
Cultivating friendships is one of the surest ways to find more happiness and joy in your life.~Robin Sharma
Friendships and relationships help us in being resilient in tough times.
Also, great friends help you in achieving more in life.
24. Develop Invaluable Skills
You should develop invaluable skills within yourself.
Those skills will help you grow professionally.
Also Read: So Good They Can’t Ignore You Summary
25. See Your Day As A Life
Don’t think that life is long. See your life as a set of many mini-lives.
Let me explain.
Would you play Counter-Strike full day if you knew that you would die tomorrow?
No way, unless your life doesn’t have any meaning.
Thinking about your day as life gives you a clear picture of your top priorities.
And therefore, you only do those things that matter the most to you.
26. Take The Control Of Your Life
It would be best if you took charge of your life.
Start with small things. Try to be deliberate in what you do.
27. Worry Less
There are so many things you can’t change in your life.
For example, you can’t stop an alien invasion. Or you can’t stop gravity from pulling objects. Such things are beyond our control.
We often tend to worry a lot about things that aren’t under our control.
What’s the point of worrying and taking so much stress when you don’t have the power to change everything.
It’s understandable that a little worrying and stress is often helpful and helps us focus more, but do it too much, and you might get yourself into trouble.
Therefore, worry less. Find things that are in your control.
Live life with fewer worries.
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What else will you learn from the blinks?
- How can one enjoy life by imitating children?
- Why focusing solely on goals might be counterproductive?
- Why shouldn’t you forget to reward yourself during the process?
- How helping other people can help you grow?
- Why it’s essential to learn how to control your emotions?
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Who Will Cry When You Die Review
This book is a mini life-training package.
You should read this book at least once.
Chapters are short. This makes it a perfect book for readers who have just started reading.
Some people might not like the basic stuff in this book.
But overall, it’s a decent book.
Further Reading
If you liked this summary, then you may also like:
- Book Summary: Attitude Is Everything by Jeff Keller
- Book Summary: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
- Book Summary: How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen
- Book Summary: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
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