You Are A Badass At Making Money Summary

Mindset Money Personal Development Personal Finance

What’s in it? Quick Summary

You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero discusses various lessons related to money, including the idea that money is a neutral tool. It dives into how childhood experiences affect our perception of money. And it also teaches you how throwing out limiting beliefs and having a purpose beyond wealth can ultimately help you win inner battles of mind.

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About the author

The author of “You Are a Badass at Making Money” is Jen Sincero.

She is a bestselling author, speaker, and success coach who specializes in helping people transform their lives and achieve their goals.

Sincero is also the author of other self-help books, including “You Are a Badass” and “Badass Habits.”

She has been featured in various media outlets, such as The New York Times, Forbes, and The Huffington Post, and has appeared on various TV shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Today Show.

You Are A Badass At Making Money Summary

In this book summary, I’ll share the 5 best lessons that will help you build a money-mindset and also discuss the most common challenges that people face when they try to get rich.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Lesson #1: Money is not evil. It’s just a useful tool.

There is a common perception that wealthy people must have earned their money through illicit or unethical means.

However, this does not mean that all wealthy individuals are good people.

The point is: Money is not inherently evil; it is simply a tool that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The morality of money depends on how it is earned and how it is used.

Money is necessary for survival and can be used to improve one’s quality of life, support loved ones, and make a positive impact on the world.

We can’t also ignore the dark reality that many people use to fund harmful activities and perpetuate inequality, but this is not inherent to money itself.

Therefore, it is important to view money as a neutral resource that can be used for good or bad, depending on the individual who wields it.

Why are we discussing this?

Because many people around us give money a bad reputation.

They believe that “if you’re rich, you must be doing something wrong, and you have no values.”

Many individuals remain poor, believing that they are doing the right thing by staying poor.

They complain that the world is so unfair and give excuses like “I’m a good person, that’s why I’m not rich.”

Kindly note that being a good person is one of the best things you can do in your life.

And we’re all trying to be our best, aren’t we, Wizbusker?

However, this does not mean that we have to remain poor simply because some individuals believe that money is evil.

We tend to generalize richness in our minds.

We all have heard about rich people who were involved in scams and illegal activities. But this doesn’t mean every single rich person is bad.

Whether you accept it or not, money controls the world we live in.

By holding such negative beliefs, we aren’t accomplishing anything here.

You can’t do anything impactful by staying poor.

Pay attention to your words when you put money in the bad light.

Those sentences really affect how you think about money.

Subconsciously, we all stop ourselves from becoming our best — from becoming rich in a true sense.

There are so many good things that you can do with the help of money.

You don’t need to hate billionaires just because they are on top of everybody.

Start seeing as they really are without your biases.

Kindly note that we are not favoring the actions of billionaires here, we are trying to address the underlying beliefs that hold us back from getting rich. And also, we aren’t promoting “hyper-consumption” after getting rich either, and letting the dopamine control our lives, which is a big problem these days.

The takeaway is: Money itself has no value system. It’s us who hold values. If your value-system is correct, you’ll use money in a beautiful way. And if it’s corrupt, you’ll waste it by making stupid choices and do harm.

Remember: Money is just a tool. You have to be a good user.

Have you wondered where do we get those limiting beliefs about money?

Let’s discuss.

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Lesson #2: Your childhood experiences affect the image of money in your mind.

We are constantly learning from our environment — from the people around us — from our relatives and friends.

However, when we are young, our minds are like blank slates.

We don’t have any kind of filters at a young age. So, anything we experience leaves a mark on our minds.

And when we say “anything,” it means that both good and bad things affect how we think about the money — and not just the money — about everything in the world.

Of course, we never realize this.

Because it happens on a deep subconscious level. Most of us are aware of only our conscious minds, which is the surface level of mind.

Let me give you an example.

If someone is from a poor background, they might start thinking that money is very difficult to earn.

But is it really?

Sure, it can be difficult at times based on constantly changing situations, but if you hold the belief that money is hard to earn, you’ll be limiting yourself in a way.

It’ll seem like a big thing to you when it isn’t.

Remember, money is just a tool that helps you accomplish your goals. It’s not the ultimate thing.

To live a meaningful life with joy is the ultimate thing.

Imagine if someone is thinking that money is the pinnacle of life, will he ever be able to do things beyond it?

The chances of such a person realizing their full potential will be very slim.

Don’t let that happen to you!

You can fix the future financial problems by changing your beliefs about money and rethinking its definition.

We might feel that you already know everything (thanks to The Dunning Kruger Effect), but we never pay attention to where are we getting our definitions from.

If people around you are always struggling financially, chances are, you might also find yourself in a similar situation eventually.

Our friends and relatives want good for us, but do they really know what “good” really means? And if they don’t, how are we so certain that all their advice will be helpful?

Allow me to tell you the hard truth: Changing beliefs isn’t easy.

The beliefs we carry now have developed over the years. They are strong — stronger than any of us.

You’ll need to self-reflect a lot and question them if you want to change them for good.

Think of them as invisible barriers in your growth.

To see them, you have to train a little.

“Mindset is everything,” we all have heard that, right? — assuming you must have read a few self-help books.

I hope this lesson helped you realize why it is so.

Remember, your thoughts and emotions drive your actions.

If you aren’t paying attention, then you’re not the in-charge of your life — maybe someone else is.

Let’s see how we can take the remote control back in our hands.

Lesson #3: Throw your limiting beliefs out of the window.

If you pay attention, you’ll realize that almost all kinds of self-limiting beliefs have some sort of fear associated with them.

When you say something limiting like “I can’t run a business!” or “I can’t be rich!” you have a fear of failing somewhere in your subconscious mind.

Perhaps you attempted something different in your childhood, failed at it, and it became a joke that everyone gossiped about.

Maybe you tried investment and lost money in that, and then cried.

We all go through such silly experiences that leave scars on our minds.

Those fears limit us from doing things differently.

That fear of failure is so deep that we start giving excuses for not chasing our passions.

So, what’s the solution?

Is there any way to make your fears go away?

The author suggests that you face your money fears to get rid of money fears.

If you fear losing money in an investment, start doing small investments so that even if you fail, there is hardly any loss.

This will allow you to become comfortable with doing risky things in life.

And thus help you get rich in the long term.

Another thing you must do is treat money as your friend.

Yes, you heard that right.

Money is your friend.

But keep in mind that this friendship should be out of love.

If you’re too dependent on this friend of yours, it won’t help much.

The relationship has to be a healthy, shouldn’t it?

Watch, what kind of relationship do you have with the money right now?

How do you see money right now: Do you see it as a tool, or do you search for happiness within it?

Watch what words you use to describe money.

If you think that money is corrupting and dirty, it’s not going to be a healthy relationship. You’ll keep struggling.

If you think of money as a useful resource to rise higher and higher, it’s a healthy relationship.

Once you are done with self-reflection, it’s time to look at how other people around you see the money.

Do they put it on a pedestal? Or they don’t bother getting rich at all?

Are they grateful for the money they have?

Or do they keep complaining about it all the time?

Just pay attention.

Find out from where do you get those money-limiting beliefs?

This will give you a lot of perspective.

Lesson #4: A rich man with no purpose is actually poor.

Money is very appealing.

The probability of fulfilling desires is higher when you’re rich.

You can buy anything you want and experience anything you would like.

So, we all want as much as possible, don’t we?

There is nothing wrong with being rich.

But again, what’s your definition of “rich”?

Is driving a fancy car enough to be called rich?

Or is there something to more to it?

Most of us never sit down and think about this.

Or do we?

We are likely to believe all the standard definitions set by the society without any thought.

We need to think specifically what we will do with our money after getting rich.

Because that money is going to take a lot of time and energy.

We need to have a purpose in life.

If you’re wealthy but lack a sense of purpose, what’s the point?

Sure, you can impress your friends by driving a Ferrari, making them jealous, and buying a big mansion filled with cool technology.

But you won’t derive long-lasting satisfaction from it.

The author talks about Universe Intelligence in this book and discusses how we are the only creatures on the Earth who have consciousness and thus the power of thought.

Shouldn’t all of our wealth help us reach higher levels of consciousness?

If you are already wealthy, you have the opportunity to master your mindset and do things that the average person wouldn’t consider.

You can contemplate the vastness of the universe.

You can also hire the best minds and learn from them.

Remember, becoming rich is not the ultimate goal; it is simply a milestone. The end goal is to discover how to unleash your best mindset and, ultimately, help others do the same.

Money is like an electric guitar. Without a musician, it’s just metal strings. Money itself can’t do much. You are the one who gives it power.

Money follows you. It goes where you want it to go.

While safety and comfort are important, with money you can achieve so much more.

However, it is crucial to be wise and specific in your investments.

You have to ask what kind of rich do you want to be: A rich man with a purpose or a rich man with no purpose?

You have to decide.

Money is meaningless if your life has no meaning.

Life itself won’t give you meaning, it’s YOU who has to give it a meaning.

Lesson #5: Don’t try to help those people who enjoy being stuck.

Just to be clear, the idea isn’t about not helping people.

But if we analyze the ground reality, there are many people who enjoy being poor.

They don’t accept that they need to earn more.

They are never ready to give up their faulty ideas, as they fear change.

So, they find their comfort in saying negative things about money — about anyone who is trying to be better than average.

Just bring any good idea to them, and they’ll instantly tell you 10 ways it won’t work.

They are best at finding out negatives from hundreds of positives.

They only focus on that black dot on the white paper.

They enjoy if you try and fail. Because in their minds, they always knew that getting rich is too hard and not worth it.

Sure, such people too can evolve and become better human beings, but without change that’d not be possible.

So, what should you do if you find yourself surrounded by them?

It is tricky because it’s not always possible to block communication with such people, what if that person is your boss or your colleague?

At the same time, you also can’t ignore the effect they have on your mindset.

The first, the simplest thing you can do is: just accept that they are not going to change any time soon. I know it’s hard. You’d want to help them by telling them the direction, but we are emotional creatures, and most of us don’t think logically all the time.

Understand that they are poor because of their current belief-system.

And to change them is no easy task. In fact, it’s very frustrating when people don’t understand logic.

The more you go against their beliefs, the stronger they will cling to them.

As pessimistic as it may sound, sometimes it’s not worth giving advice to a person who won’t value it anyway.

The best you can do for that person is change yourself.

Yes, we all want to change other people, but real change happens when you start with yourself.

Set an example by being rich and living a meaningful life.

If you are doing the right thing, although they won’t accept their mistakes in front of you, they will realize it sooner or later, hopefully.

The best use of time would be to associate with people who are not stuck. And don’t just associate with them, find a way to add value whenever possible. This way, everyone will be adding value to the society.

Bullet Summary

Let’s recap the key ideas we discussed in this book summary:

  • Money is a neutral tool that can be used for good or bad.
  • Childhood experiences shape our perception of money.
  • Limiting beliefs about money should be discarded to achieve financial success.
  • Having a purpose beyond wealth is necessary for true fulfillment.
  • Don’t waste time trying to help those who enjoy being stuck.

Want To Read More Books Like This One?

I’ve also made a sweet list of the best finance books you should read to get rich.

Check it here.

Read more book summaries on Finance here.

You Are A Badass At Making Money Review


  • The book is engaging. Despite having so many stories, it didn’t feel boring.
  • The best part of this book is that it encourages you to meditate before you start chasing money.


  • The book discusses plenty of weird things like Manifestation, vibration of energies, etc. which don’t have a scientific basis, although they sound scientific.
  • The book talks about the same things that you’d expect in any normal finance book, like shifting mindset and thinking that money is not evil, thinking about how to make more money, etc.
  • Contrary to your expectations, it’s mostly self-help. So don’t expect money-making techniques in this book. It’ll only discuss mindset.

Who should read this book?

  • Anyone who wants to improve their relationship with money and learn how to build wealth in a healthy and meaningful way.
  • Finance people and consultants who intend to give the best advice to their clients.
  • Entrepreneurs who aim to start social startups to solve critical problems in the society.

Now it’s your turn

I hope this book summary provided you with the right mindset for building wealth and at the same time making sure that you are satisfied with whatever you plan to do with your money.

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I am Shami Manohar, the founder of WizBuskOut. My obsession with non-fiction books has fueled me with the energy to create this website. I read at least one book every week on topics such as business, critical thinking, mindset, psychology, and more.

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