Learning How To Learn Book Summary And Review (Commentary)
Learning How To Learn is a definitive guide to learning and mastering any subject or skills quickly using the practical knowledge of neuroscience.
Learning How To Learn is a definitive guide to learning and mastering any subject or skills quickly using the practical knowledge of neuroscience.
What’s in it? Quick Summary “Your Brain at Work” by David Rock is a self-help book that aims to help readers become more productive by understanding how their brains work. …
A Technique For Producing Ideas is an advertising classic by James Webb Young that shares a simple yet profound technique to produce amazing ideas and change the world.
First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman shares the unconventional methods that great managers adopt to increase the performance of their team, increase growth opportunities, and retain the best talents within the company.
How Much Is Enough? by Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky raise an inquiry about how much money is enough for an average person to live a good life by working less and enjoying more. And it also talks about how Keynes’s predictions were wrong.
The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale helps you realize that when thoughts are combined with the power of faith, you open up doors to a successful and happy life.