Blinkist Review (2023): Is it worth the money?
In this brutally honest Blinkist Review, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Blinkist before buying: Pros And Cons? Price? Plans? Cancellation? All covered.
In this brutally honest Blinkist Review, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Blinkist before buying: Pros And Cons? Price? Plans? Cancellation? All covered.
Billionaires and entrepreneurs read a lot of books each year. Your teachers and parents advice you to read more books. The question is: Should you read more books? Is reading books even healthy?
What is chunking? Put in simple words, chunking is a way of dividing a whole into parts and then combining the parts to generate the whole when needed. Here is what Wikipedia says about chunking…
You Can Win by Shiv Khera teaches you why you must have a value system in your life. It also gives you an idea about basic concepts like self-esteem and real education.
Think Small by Owain Service and Rory Gallagher teaches you how to set, plan, execute, and stick to your goals using the behavioral insights. Think of this book as a guide to setting goals and achieving them.
Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles helps you find your reason for being. Plus, it also shares secrets that Japanese people use to improve their longevity.